Tuesday, November 25, 2008

When it rains- it pours...

Found out today (yes-- all today) that 3 (count them 1, 2, 3!) friends are expecting. Very excited for them...very sad for us.

Pouring myself a BIG ol' glass of wine! Pity party for 1 please!

Giving Thanks...

I know I haven't blogged in a while...I have been crazy busy with work and quite honestly haven't had much to write about. Our vacation seems like a lifetime ago! I had 2 back to back weeks of traveling for work and thankfully this is a short holiday week!

Hard to believe it is Thanksgiving already! This year has gone by faster than I can even think about. I had lunch yesterday with my IVF "carpool buddy" (who I now call my friend) and we were talking about how she is 6 months along already! 6 months! Honestly, it seems like last month I was making the 1.5 hour trek to the Dr.

Although my tone in much of this blog has not been one of thanksgiving...I am extremely thankful for the year I have had! This has been my year of learning and growing. I have learned so much about myself and about the strength of my relationship with my husband, family and friends. I am beyond thankful that I have the support system that I have! I have learned about myself and what I can and can not handle-- these lessons have been invaluable!

We are staying close to home this year for the holiday-- hosting Gary's entire family! I am excited and nervous-- 11 people will be sitting down at the same time to eat! YIKES! Thankfully I will not be stressing over a turkey-- Granny is bringing that! Phew! To me-- making the side dishes is easy and actually something I quite enjoy-- so I am looking forward to it! I will make one dessert today (pumpkin cheesecake) and the other tomorrow (pecan pie)-- so it will be good to have those out of the way!

I wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


The pregnant man is pregnant again...


Seriously? :(

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Wow! What a wonderful week!! Having waited for this trip for months, I had very high expectations. I wanted to relax, relax and do more relaxing. Safe to say... my expectations were met.

The week leading up to our vacation was anything but relaxing. The Navy through us a curve ball and changed the date of Gary's audit at the last minute. This caused me to have to spend an hour on the phone with the airline trying to figure out how to change Gary's ticket. It was a mess. Thankfully Gary was able to come...2 days late...but he made it! We had a wonderful time. We got to spend some quality time with good friends, relax our butts off, enjoy the sun and warm weather and see some of the sites of Mexico. It was a perfect vacation!
Here are some picutres~~~

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Horrible Kitty Mommy!

In my post below-- I failed to mention that in the 5 years since we married we also adopted our cat Tupper. What a horrible kitty mommy I am. For that...Tupper gets his own post!

Yes, he is a little over weight, but the camera adds 10lbs. ;)

Long Awaited Vacation

Well, the vacation we have been waiting for since February is finally here! I leave for Mex.ico tomorrow and Gary will meet me there on Wednesday. We didn't plan to travel separately but the N.avy had a different plan. Gary has an recruiting station audit first thing on Wednesday morning...then he will fly to Mexic.o in the afternoon. He should be at our resort by 11pm on Wednesday night--hopefully. Preparation for this audit has been extremely stressful for Gary and having it interrupt his long awaited vacation didn't help! I know he will be ready to relax by the time he gets there.
This vacation is to celebrate our 5 year anniversary! Hard for me to believe that in just 5 days shy of 5 years-- we got married! Time has flown by. In the past 5 years we've:

~Moved 4 times-- 2 being cross country.
~We adopted our furbaby Tanner.
~We bought our first home.
~We each bought new vehicles- twice.
~Had 2 failed intrauterine insemination's.
~Had 1 failed in vitro.

All in all we have had a great 5 years--more positives than negatives!! Of course adding a baby to the pictures is our ultimate goal, but looking back-- there is nothing I can complain about of our first 5 years of marriage! I am a very lucky woman!!