Monday, October 20, 2008

National Infertility Awareness Week

Happy Monday! Yesterday marked the start of the 19th Annual National Infertility Awareness Week. Since infertility affects 7.3 million Americans (1 in 6 couples--and we happen to be part of that statistic) I thought I would write a post to mark this week.

We have been so fortunate in our journey and have had the most supportive friends and family. How they knew how to be supportive-- I have no idea how, they just knew! I know many out there are not so lucky!! Many out there have to deal with the myriad of questions-- invasive and sometimes ignorant. is an organization dedicated to infertility. For me-- it has been a great resource!

I came across this site last night and it touched me deeply. Whoever created it-- surely felt the pain and heartache that infertility can bring. I wanted to share with you all b/c I thought it was beautiful.

Thank you to all our friends and family that have supported us-we couldn't/ can't make it through this journey without you!


Ani said...

My mom is devoted to St Gerard. She had a hard time getting pregnant, so she turned to his novena... All 3 of her children were baptized with Gerard in their names (for us girls she picked Geraldine!).

I prayed the novena during our IVF cycles and during our adoption wait...

Good luck to you guys!

Violet said...

i'm so glad you have supportive friends and family, that makes such a big difference. hugs.