Friday, May 16, 2008

Just to give you an idea

So I ordered my meds yesterday! YIKES! The lady on the phone literally rattled down a list of meds for like 5 minutes and then says-- "Does that sound about right?" Umm...I guess. Since I cant pronounce half of what you just said-- sure that sounds great!! Words that I did grab in her ramblings-- syringes--YIKES and Valium--YAY! Ha!

So they should all be here today.

I start my birth control (bcp) on Monday. I haven't been on birth control in years- I hope I can remember to take the little pill everyday. I will be on bcp for about 3 weeks. Along with the bcp I have to take my prenatal, additional folic acid, baby aspirin and Gary and I will both need to take a round of antibiotics. My IVF cocktail as Gary calls it! Maybe if I put them in a martini glass that will make it better... not so sure!
Around June 4th I will start my injections. This is where I start to get nervous!! I need to be injected daily for the next 20 days or so. Scary!!! I will have Gary do the injections for me (yes-- he is very excited about this!), but i will have a few days in which I will need to do them myself b/c Gary will be away. I hope I can handle this part!
Within all these injections I have a number of monitoring appointments. The Dr. will keep a close watch on my levels to be sure we are not over stimulating my ovaries and that we are aiding the uterus to make a perfect lining for implantation. We want that embryo to snuggle in nice for 9 months!!
Hopefully if I respond just the way I should-- we have our egg retrieval scheduled for June 25th!

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