3dt = 3 day transfer (3 days after ER) 5dt = 5 day transfer (5 days after ER) AF = Aunt flo (menstruation) B/W = bloodwork BCP = Birth Control Pills BFN = big fat neg (every IF girls nightmare) BFP = Big Fat Postive (every IF girls dream) DPO = days past ovulation ER = Egg Retreival ET = Egg Transfer FET = frozen embryo transfer HSG = hysterosalpingogram IF = infertility IUI = intrauterine insemination IVF = invitro fertilization M/C = miscarriage MF= Male Factor MFI = Male factor Infertility O = ovulation OPK = ovulator predictor kit PG = pregnant PIO = progesterone in oil SIL = Sister- in-law SPA = Sperm penetration assay Stims = follicle stimulating drugs T-TTC = trouble trying to conceive TTC = trying to conceive U/S = ultrasound
I'm still praying! Good Luck!
I still think it is too early to show positive. I am praying for you and our other riding buddy!!
I'm praying hard! Hugs to both of you.
I'm praying for you too!
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