Sunday, June 22, 2008

This WEEK!!!!!! Can I just tell you... time has flown by! It is so hard to believe that almost 10 weeks ago... I posted my first entry. Now here we are! Unreal and SO exciting!!! I am feeling extremely positive and hopeful that this week is it-- the week I get knocked up! (I know not the most appropriate term, but sounds funny when I say it to Gary!!)

I wanted to show you all a picture of my good luck cake to Gary. I have been taking a cake decorating class for the past 3 weeks and so we are pretty "caked out". Since I started the class I have been making white cakes since that is what the teacher had suggested--for frosting ease. Well, Gary likes chocolate-- so yesterday afternoon-- I decide to change it up a bit and make him a chocolate cake. Then I decided to be corny...
Get it? Took Gary a second... ha!!


shawna said...

We called it getting knocked up too. George was particularly pleased that he got to be in the room as I was being knocked up.
I love the cake. I have always wanted to learn cake decorating. I am just afraid of all of the weight that I will gain having all of those cakes around.

Jill said...

That cake is ADORABLE! :) Good luck this week!

Debi said...

Your cake decorating skills will come in handy for all those kiddie birthday parties you'll be having!!
After we "talked", I said a prayer for you . . . not that you would get more eggs but that you'd have the number that you needed to make a baby. I will be thinking of you on the big day.

Anonymous said...

You are too cute. I am so excited for you both.

Good luck!!!

Sam said...

that's a great cake!! How many people would think to make a good luck cake quite like that! ;-)